Young Adult Novels by Norma Howe
Author of Novels and Stories for Young Adults

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epub versions of Norma's first four books coming
Norma Howe passed away on April 19, 2011. The family-written obituary is available here.


FREE ePubs of Norma's first four books are coming soon. They'll be posted here once we've gotten all the necessary permissions from works Norma quoted. We'll eventually post the Blue Avenger series and Angel in Vegas as well, but there's much legal work to do before we can post them.

Hello, and welcome to my minimalist website. As you can see, it has just four links and no moving parts - something like a Denny's Grand Slam.

Writing is not a full-time career for me, and I rarely visit schools to enlighten students or push my books, and most certainly never for money. I've always believed that if my books can't speak for themselves, nothing else should -- least of all me, since I'm extremely opinionated, unbelievably sarcastic, and, worst of all, excruciatingly boring.

However, I do my best to make my books as entertaining as possible (always eschewing the supernatural in all its overworked forms) and I write only when I believe I have something to say. So far, that strategy has resulted in eight young adult novels and two short stories.

Norma Howe